Sunday 25 November 2012

Tweaking the format

I've been contemplating setting up a couple of new blogs recently, one for technology and another for education based stuff.
After a lot of serious thought, I have decided not to! Im going to include it all on Quickbeer and make more use of Labels. From now on, I will tag, or label all posts as follows:
Beer - anything to do with my love of real ale - may contain spelling mistakes!
Biking - this label will include new bits of kit, ride records and stories about cycling sport.
Education - my views on education, both how to do it and comments on some of the politics associated with it.
Technology - anything that includes stuff that needs a battery or power source, and associated stories!
Hopefully, this will allow folks to select just the posts that they want to see. Please comment if you can see any issues with this, or have further suggestions.

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